Coding Stuff
- Massive Multiplayer Framework (C++) Not very well known, but great documentation and interesting system. It would be interesting to combine this framework with a scripting language so that it's easier to use (C++ is too error prone for this type of application in my opinion)
- Ryzom Dev Home (C++) Open source release of the mmorpg Ryzom and the used framework.
- Spin X Engine (C++) An open source 3d engine with wxWidgets based editor. I've taken the sources of the editor as a skeleton and learning base to write my own wxWidgets based stuff. Was very helpful!
- Map-Benchmarks An overview of different map-implementations with cpu- and memory-benchmark.
- Coroutines in C
- Particle Engine Tips
- Advanced HLSL using closures and function pointers
Coding Utils
- DocuGenerator (ReST)
- Sphinx Python Documentation Generator
- BlockDiag generates diagrams from text files
Coding Libraries
- My bitbucket account with all my released libraries and stuff
- My github account where you can inspect which repositories I follow
- Eigen Template expression math library for C++ intended for general math problems
- ConfigurableMathLibrary Template expression math library for C++ intended for games and graphical applications (includes classes for frustums, projection, picking etc)
- AllJoyn AllJoyn was developed to enable secure, ad hoc, proximity-based communication networks.
Graphic Coding
I love rendering stuff...- smallpt: Global Illumination in 99 lines of C++
- metatrace, a C++ compile time ray tracer
- smallpm: Global Illumination in 128 lines of C++
Design Stuff
- FontPark Directory of free fonts
- Dirpy Convert YouTube to mp3 and mp4
- Hyde a static web site generator written in python
- Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions
- HTML presentation generator
WebApps with source code
- NewsBlur A visual feed reader with intelligence
- GitLabHQ Project management and code hosting application
- JukeBox your democratic music player
- Etherpad-lite An Etherpad based on node.js